Friday, August 26, 2011

Home Sweet Home

It is really unbelievable.  We're home, finally.
I can't help but ask myself, "Is this real or am I dreaming?"  The long wait is over, and I am a mom.  We are a family.  One happy family!

The adventure in China was memorable on so many levels.  I mean, we went to the Great Wall!  And the Forbidden City!  We experienced so many wonderful cultural things on our visit.  AND WE GOT A BABY!!  Our beautiful star!

That being said, I am so glad to be home!  Dan compares our visit to the Bachelorette/Bachelor shows--being in China with our daughter was not real life!  Now that we are home, reality sets in, routines begin, and our bonds strengthen.

The trip back to the states was pretty intense  Thank goodness I booked us on a on-stop flight!!  The people around us did not seem to mind JMei's occasional squeals--they were mostly squeals of excitement.  I think they were just happy that she was not acting like the two boys across from us that terrorized everyone around them, especially the people sitting in front of them.  The backs of their seats were used as kick boards...for hours!!  And the screeching was non-stop!!
Back to JMei...she was definitely squirmy!  She was up and active.  Dan walked with her up and down the aisle, up and down, up and down...!  The extra seat was worth every penny!  We were able to make a place for her to sleep, play...and eat!  7 bottles, some Cheerios, some Chinese wan wan snacks and watermelon!
Once landed, the immigration processing took no time at all.  We were through with that, customs and baggage claim in under an hour and on our way home.
Her Aunt S. made her this special onesie--and I packed it especially for her return home!  It reads, "Yankee Doodle Baby"--perfect for her immediate US citizenship once she landed in the US!

JMei had her first visitors yesterday on her first full day in NYC!  She had a wonderful time playing, singing and walking with her new friends, Auntie Jo-Jo and Auntie AP!  Actually, I am not sure who had more fun, the grown-ups or baby!  I think she wore them out!!

She is getting adjusted to life here and the time zone. She had me up at 3 am on her first night back...and didn't go to bed until 1 am last night.  i thought for sure she'd be tuckered out after all the fun she had...boy, was I mistaken!!

We've nicknamed her "Jackpot" for right now. We really feel as though we hit it with her!  She is so engaging, so social, so talkative, and so happy!  I feel like the wealthiest person on Earth!!  She is an absolute treasure!

And so it life as a parent is just beginning.  I look forward to all the diaper changing, snot wiping, drool catching, and sleepless is just the greatest time ever!

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