Thursday, August 4, 2011


Family Day is quickly approaching....

I keep picturing us getting her, returning to the hotel room, putting her in the center of the floor, staring at her and saying, "Now what?!"

Crazy good.


  1. You'll immediately know what to do - Congrats & Mazel Tof (sp?)
    Love, cousin Susan

  2. Yes, I'm sure you will do exactly that!!! But who cares...a staring-fest is completely as it should be. You'll be looking at her, she'll be checking you out..thinking...hey, where's that bottle! Whip it out here folks...lets get this party started! Camille, Tucson

  3. Ha! I'm sure you'll think of something!

  4. Haha, that is kind of what it was like when we had Gabe and he was new...
    Dave kept saying "they're gonna let us keep him?"
    In our case we had him on the bed. When we went to change his diaper for the first time he peed on his face. Jenny won't do that...
