Monday, May 23, 2011

Osama and Me

Like so many others, Osama bin Laden changed my life.

I was here in NYC on that horrible day in 2001.  I spent much of the next few months working and grieving.  And reflecting.  And grieving.  But this is not about grieving, it is about hope.

Two months to the day after 9/11, and after 15 years without any contact, I found my dear friend Kay (Details in an earlier post).  Less than a year after that, we were married.  We started the adoption process in 2005.  We named our daughter almost immediately.

We received the call on Friday, April 29, after being in line for Jennifer for five years that we were going to finally meet our beautiful daughter.

Two days later, bin Laden was killed.


  1. wow. didn't realize the coincidence two times over.

    i'm so happy for you both and for myself too :) i want a little girl around!!!

  2. ummm... did NOT realize 'immigrant mom' was me. i must've registered on a blog at some point. (but i have no memory of it)

  3. i'm really getting old. by "me" i mean, me, aunty sabrina.
